Flamingo doing the right thing
Dear Colleagues / Suppliers / Customers,
At Flamingo we make the health and safety and well-being of all our staff worldwide our number one priority. As the global position worsens it is even more critical that we manage and control our environment with our colleagues, to ensure that the communities we serve and work in are protected.
Over the past few weeks we have been working with our Business Continuity Team (BCT) to enhance these controls and we have implemented the following: working from home policies, zone working, split shifts, increased hygiene stations and enhanced clean down procedures in all operational areas.
With all the business continuity plans in place we continue to operate from all our sites across the world. We are monitoring the local government controls in all locations and will endeavour to keep essential channels open to ensure that fresh Produce and Flowers from our farms and partners continue to help feed the nations we supply.
We know these are exceptional times and we have reviewed the situation closely and have taken the decision to continue our current operation:
- Our produce business is critical to the food retail supply chain and is helping to feed the nation in this time of crisis
- Our home delivery flower and plants business are providing our customers with the opportunity to send messages of love and support to isolated members of families and friends, which is critical in these times.
- Our flower, plants and produce companies provide indirect support to approximately 100,000 people across our global supply chain, including to many colleagues in Kenya and South Africa.
In addition to the above we have taken measures to ensure that we safeguard the health and well-being of our colleagues and communities:
- We have moved to a full work from home policy for all staff who can operate as agreed in your business models.
- We are also ensuring that our policy of social distancing is rigorously followed in operational areas and that we maximise distances between operation employees (over and above the 2m recommended distance) and that there is control of people in high people traffic areas. See enhanced procedures below
- We are also engaging with staff to ensure that any employee who is not comfortable with working during this period is given the opportunity to be absent whilst maintaining their employment.
These are unchartered times with very dynamic and rapid changes in all the areas we operate. Our vertically integrated supply chain is very fortunate to be supported by our customers at this time when so many other businesses and supply chains have been forced to close their doors all over the world. We will continue to do all we can to keep our people and communities safe. We have taken the decision above in what we believe to be the wider interests of our staff, customers and communities. We will always operate with the utmost importance placed on the safety and well-being of our people and communities.
Ian Michell
Group Technical Director
Enhanced social distancing procedures effective immediately
You must always observe a minimum of 2m distancing, especially while commuting to areas such as
toilets and canteens.
All staff must always remain in their allocated zones.
If using a shared operational computer – sanitize before and after use when changing shifts
All working environments will be set up to create the correct gap between workers on lines.
Please ensure that you distance yourself from your colleagues on clocking in and ensure that you sanitise before and after use.
All working zones must hand sanitize hands on entrance and exits to sites, but also every 45 mins during operational activity.
All staff are advised where possible travel to and from work in groups of a maximum of 2 people per car. You are advised not to use public transport where possible.
All team huddles must be conducted with the appropriate spacing and where suitable outside or well ventilated areas.
All staff are required to only visit smoking areas in smaller groups of maximum 2 at any time, additional zones will be added to manage this.
All breaks to be taken in smaller numbers especially in canteens and everyone must not congregate in groups of more than 2 people and 2m apart.
Please remember we are here to look after and support one another and stop the spread.